Monday, December 27, 2010


 Jessica and me at her ADPi Sorority Formals. We decided to shake things up a bit with a hard edge: teased hair, zippers, bold prints, and all black...not to mention Jess's bold trousers. 

Jess gettin' down
Ethan was there too, looking chic as usual!

"Sweet" Shoes

                                                            Chewing gum heel, Kobi Levi


                                                            Peacock Sandal, Pierre Hardy

Friday, December 24, 2010

Parisian Scandal?

    The recent announcement of the departure of French Vogue's editor-in-chief Carine Roitfeld as left a many fashion lovers slightly puzzled.  French Vogue has grown in prestige and has championed a strictly European style.  Other publications have been criticized for just following in American Vogue and Anna Wintour's footsteps but French Vogue has created a sleek sensual style that epitomizes the sophisticated Parisian style we all so idolize.  This past year though several scandals have erupted around this publication one involving the use of blackface with several well known models.  There was also the huge falling out that left Balenciaga refusing to allow further use of their product by the magazine.

      It was initially reported that Carine chose to retire from her tenure and to pursue other career options or just to live her life.  Though Conde Nast and Carine have both stated it was her decision to leave there have been whispers that she was ousted due to some of the above scandals.  Though this is of course idle gossip what we can see is that there is yet another shake-up in the fashion industry on its way.  Who will replace Carine? In what direction will the magazine go? Will the influence of American Vogue find its way to France?

Fashion Shake Up

Though we tend to focus on fashion, what inspires us, the designers etc, recent upheaval in the fashion world has gotten my attention in the extreme.  LVMH has been slowly buying up stocks in Hermes over the past few months leaving some to wonder as to what Bernard Arnault is up to.  Though the CEO has openly denied wishing to plan a take over of the family run company his most recent acquisition of more stocks is troubling.  Initially acquiring 17.1 % of the shares it has now been upped to 20.1%.   The Hermes family which currently owns 70-73% of the stock is in a position to do some serious damage control and block Arnault from acquiring more but there is still another 10% of public non-family owned stock up for the taking. If Arnault continues to buy up the stock his promises of not taking over Hermes and putting it under the LVMH name will in my opinion become suspect.  The Hermes family will most likely close ranks and put all of their stocks in one larger fund so that no one singular member can discretely sell their stock.  Only time will tell what will happen with this drama but with two juggernauts of the fashion world squaring off against one another I am not sure it will end well for anyone.  


Wednesday, December 22, 2010


My love affair with ruffs continues!

Dark Flight

I have been interested in the dark side of fairy tales and then putting a modern twist on my designs. When researching some tales and stumbled upon these feather ruffs, and we all know how much I love ruffs!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Through the Woods

While looking for inspiration for my own designs for the fashion show I stumbled across Sophie Theallet's Fall 2010 collection.  It was whimsical and bohemian with a hint of gypsy magic enhanced by the combination of velvet and silk.  The collection gave me images of Hansel and Gretel and Goldilocks wandering through the woods searching for their happy ending.  Here are a few highlights of the designs but I strongly encourage you all to look over the whole collection at 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mmm mmm fashionable

We see a lot of fashion made out of non-fabric materials. But fresh produce? Hmmm. Or should I say mmm...


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Modern Day Fairy Tale

Who ever said fairy tales had to have witches and princesses.  Dior's new video for Lady Dior is both fantastical, sexy, and modern.  Watch Marion Cotillard steam up the screen in this video inspired by John Galliano.

Click the link below to view the video


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fairly Fashionable

Calling all Fashionistas and aspiring designers!!

Culture Couture's annual Spring Fashion Show is coming up which means we need designs.  This years theme is Fairy Tales.  So think back to your favorite childhood stories and show us what you can do!!

Romeo and Juliet
Designs will be due after winter break so take this time to come up with flights of fancy. 

CC Love,